Cikkek archívuma
Fast food
2013.05.12 12:04
If you can not see this chirbit, listen to it here
Taking tests
2013.05.12 11:34
Taking tests hang.mp3 (1 MB)
Rese / Botswana
I think.. all people learn, because they give you the opportunity to evaluate how much you know and how far you've gone with whatever it is that you're learning, and they give you a chance to also see how close you are with your peers in the...
Job interview
2013.05.12 11:33
Job Interview hang.mp3 (1,4 MB)
Erina: Hello, is Mike here?
Todd: Oh you know, I'm sorry, he's out. He's doing a delivery. Can I help you?
Erina: I actually came here for the job application. I was going to talk to him about the job
Todd: Oh right, right. Are you Erina?
Erina: Yes, I am.
Job offer
2013.05.12 11:29
Job Offer hang.mp3 (929,1 kB)
Erina: Wow, Stanley Park is such a beautiful place. Thank you so much for inviting me.
Mike: Yeah, no problem.
Erina: You're friends are very nice, too. I really have... I'm really having so much fun.
Mike: Well I'm glad you like it. I think Stanley Park is...
Fast food
2013.05.12 11:23
Fast food hang.mp3 (1,1 MB)
David / Kenya
How often do I eat fast foods? I'm really not a fan of fast food, but when I get a craving, I just listen to it and go to either one of the fast food restaurants and shops and get myself a nice burger and fries.
Aiste / Lithuania
Így változnak a legnépszerűbb nyelvvizsgák!
2013.04.25 10:04
Reading comprehension
2013.04.06 17:54
Susan Boyle – unlikely superstar?
Less than a few weeks ago Susan Boyle was a virtual unknown. However, since auditioning for Britain’s Got Talent, a televised talent competition, she has experienced a stratospheric rise to fame. A YouTube video of her audition has been watched by more than...
2013.03.12 12:52
Nem adod fel! :) A lehetetlenből is próbálsz valamit kihámozni, mozgatni, és az embert inspirálni! Fontos kulcs van a kezedben; mégpedig a MEGOLDÁS! Velem is ezt tetted minden órán, türelmesen, újabb és újabb nekifutással csalogattad elő a tanultakat! Köszönöm!
Blog - fordítás
2013.03.12 10:39
2013.03.12 10:30
Az angol tanulást általános iskolás koromban kezdtem, gimiben folytattam és fősuli után a te kezed alatt sikerült eljutnom egy olyan szintre, amikor már volt értelme megjelenni egy nyelvvizsgán. Tíz év helyett elég lett volna kettő. Nem tudom pontosan hányféle vizsgatípus létezik, de az én...
Tételek: 121 - 130 ból 133
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